Privacy Policy

In this section you will receive information about the processing of personal data that we put in place with this website; if you want to know the terms of use of the website, the general conditions of sale and our cookie policy, you can consult the dedicated pages, available at the following links

Terms and conditions of use
General terms and conditions of sale
Cookie Policy

In any case, all the information documents described above, including this one, must be read and fully understood before you carry out any interaction with this website.

Purpose of this section
In compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR), containing rules relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of the same, we wish to provide you with all the necessary elements and make you understand how and what kind of personal data we process through our website, anticipating from now that in doing so we will observe the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.
The company Lyria spa, with registered office in Italy in Montemurlo (59013 - PO), Via Venezia n. 30/32, tax code and VAT number: 01905190979, is the owner of this website and of the processing of personal data carried out through it.

Contact us
If you have any doubts, need to receive informations, clarifications and/or have any questions in relation to what is described below, you can contact us by writing to the e-mail address or by calling the number: +39 0574 797411

Preliminary warnings
We would like to inform you that what you are about to read applies only to the website of which we are the owner (, and not to other websites, pages or online services that can be reached via hyperlinks to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, which you may find when browsing our website. With regard to the aforementioned third parties, we therefore invite you to consult their respective privacy policies, the links to which are provided below:

Details of processing
Lyria may carry out the following processing operations on your data:

I. Contacts, management of requests for information and clarifications, after-sales support

Processed data

The reasons why we process your data

Whether data processing is compulsory or not

Retention periods

Your e-mail address

Any personal data that you enter in the "message" field and/or in any attached documentation or that you include in communications that you may send to our contact details

We process this data in order to respond to your requests.

The legal basis that allows us to act in this way is Article 6(1)(B) of the GDPR (contractual purpose and/or execution of pre-contractual measures requested by you).

In this case you are not obliged to provide your data, but if you do not provide them, we will not be able to follow up on your requests.

Time strictly necessary to process requests.

II. User registration, account management, purchase history

Processed data

The reasons why we process your data

Whether data processing is compulsory or not

Retention periods

Title, first and last name

E-mail address and telephone number

Shipping and/or billing address

Access credentials

Purchase history

We process this data to enable you to create an account on our website, manage your profile and view your purchase history. The legal basis that allows us to act in this way is Article 6(1)(B) of the GDPR (contractual purpose and/or execution of pre-contractual measures requested by you);

You are not obliged to provide your data, but if you do not provide them, we will not be able to follow up on the account creation and the management of your profile.

For as long as your account is active.

III. Purchases

Processed data

The reasons why we process your data

Whether data processing is compulsory or not

Retention periods

Name, surname, tax code

E-mail address and telephone number

Shipping and/or billing address

Company, VAT number, additional address and telephone number (optional data)

We process this data to enable you to conclude a purchasing process.

The legal basis that allow us to act in this way are: art.6, par.1, letter B) of the GDPR (contractual purpose and/or execution of pre-contractual measures requested by you); as well as art. 6, par.1, letter C) of the GDPR (fulfilment of legal obligations) with exclusive regard to the data necessary for the administrative/accounting management of your purchases

You are not obliged to provide your data, but if you do not provide them, we will not be able to execute the contract to which you are a party.

10 years for contractual purposes; 5 years for administrative/accounting purposes, or for such period as may be necessary if the owner needs to protect their right in court

IV. Newsletter

Processed data

The reasons why we process your data

Retention periods

Name, surname, tax code

E-mail address

We process this data in order to fulfil your request to subscribe to our newsletter, through which you can receive news and updates on our products and offers.

The legal basis that allows us to act in this way is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR (consent).

Until you withdraw your consent, which you can do by sending an e-mail to, or by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any communication. Please note that any withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before that time.

Finally, we would like to point out, as clearly explained in the general conditions of sale, that we do not process data relating to individuals under the age of 18, so if you access our website and make use of our services, you declare that you are of legal age.

V. Cookies
For a description of the cookies present on the website, please refer to the specific information, which supplements this one, and which can be found at the following link.

Data processing methods
We protect your personal data by adopting security measures and respecting the principles provided for by the GDPR. We process the personal data collected only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes described above, with or without the aid of electronic tools and automated systems.

For sending the newsletter we use the MailChimp platform of the company The Rocket Science Group LLC.

We use hosting providers who comply with the highest security standards and hold the most advanced certifications.

The password you choose when creating your account is protected by encryption and we are unable to know it.

Transactions are handled by third parties and protected by SSL encryption protocols. No banking data is collected by us.

We do not carry out any automated decision-making processes, including profiling, which may produce legal effects concerning you or which may affect you in a similar and significant way.

In order to fulfil the purposes indicated in this policy, subject to compliance with the principles of purpose limitation and minimisation, your personal data may be communicated to third parties, who will process them as external processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR.

You may request a complete list of the external data processors by sending an e-mail to the address:

Your data may also be processed by our employees and internal staff, who will act on the basis of the instructions received.

If your data is processed in order to comply with legal obligations, we may have to transfer it to bodies and/or authorities (e.g. tax authorities, administrative authorities, police forces) which will process it as independent data controllers.

Your data will not in any way be disseminated or disclosed to unspecified parties.

Transfer data to extra-eu countries
Our hosting providers assure us that they do not transfer data outside the EU. In selecting providers we have chosen those who have data centres in the European Union.

For the newsletter service we use MailChimp, a web-based address management and emailing platform provided by The Rocket Science Group LLC based in the United States and operating worldwide. Your data may be stored on servers outside the European Union. Any transfer of this data takes place in accordance with the provider's privacy policy, which can be found at the following link

Your rights and how to exercise them
As a data subject, you may always contact us to exercise the rights provided for by the GDPR, which are relevant to the type of processing described in this policy, and in particular: to request confirmation of the existence of processing of your personal data and obtain access to it; to request and obtain correction if your personal data is inaccurate; to request deletion of your data; if the legal requirements are met, to request restriction of processing; to obtain portability of your data; to object to processing; to withdraw consent previously given. You can exercise your rights and manage your data by accessing this section. In any case, you can always contact us and exercise your rights by writing to the e-mail address or by sending a communication to the contact details indicated in the introduction.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if you believe that the processing violates your rights. For further information, you may consult the following web page:

This policy may be subject to changes and/or revisions. The updated version will be published in this section and will contain the date of its last update. Version April 2021.